Welcome to Restoration Retreats
“The older women shall teach the younger…”
–Titus 2:3-5
How We Can Help You
Our purpose is to provide retreats that will bless your life by giving you a moment to B.R.E.A.T.H.E. We want to pull you away from the cares of this world by connecting you to the ways of the Giver of Life, Jesus Christ. Come sit with us, share with us, and drink from the deep well of living water.
Through our retreats, you get time to relax, refocus, and rejuvenate. You can spend time with God while allowing Him to restore your mental, emotional, and physical being (mind, body & spirit). When you enjoy your time with us, you can leave our retreats with a new outlook on life!
During each retreat, we bring in facilitators who are transparent and tell you the truth about how God can change your life. This is a safe space where you can sit at the feet of wisdom, as women share real-life experiences with you.